Isi a Alex si mě našli prostřednictvím Instagramu. Odjel jsem do Lipska fotit zahraniční svatbu. Isi byla krásná něvěsta, vždy usměvavá, přirozená… Měla být proč. Po jejím boku stál Alex, gentleman, který byl ke své ženě celý den pozorný, laskavý. Krásná svatba, obrovská zkušenost, kterou jsem získal… ️ Isi, Alexi, velké díky, že jsem s Vámi mohl prožít Váš svatební den…
Váš svatební fotograf Petr
Isi & Alex have found me on Instagram. I went to Leipzig to capture the wedding day. Isi was a beautiful bride, always smiling… She had a good reason. She had Alex, a gentleman who was careful and kind to his wife all day. An amazing wedding day and a great professional experience for me. Isi, Alex, many thanks for having been with you at your wedding day…
Your wedding photographer Petr
Isi & Alex_from_le have found me on Instagram. I went to 🇩🇪 Leipzig to capture the wedding day. Isi was a beautiful bride, always smiling… She had a good reason. She had Alex, a gentleman who was careful and kind to his wife all day. An amazing wedding day and a great professional experience for me. Isi, Alex, many thanks for having been with you at your wedding day…
Your wedding photographer Petr